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[mkdf_section_title position=”center” title_tag=”h2″ disable_break_words=”no” separator=”no” text_tag=”” text_font_weight=”” title=”The healthcare industry is poised for a major disruption.” title_hightlight_words=”8,9″ text=”Many companies claim the role of the “disruptor,” but often they quickly become part of the problem they’re trying to solve. As an insider, they then become beholden to the very system they shout they will disrupt.” text_margin=”15″]


[mkdf_section_title position=”center” title_tag=”h2″ disable_break_words=”no” separator=”no” text_tag=”” text_font_weight=”” title=”Meet the Leadership Team” text=”careNext is lead by a seasoned management team, with over 25 years of startup C-Suite experience. It includes active ER professionals with over 100 years of healthcare experience.” text_margin=”15″ title_hightlight_words=”3,4″]

[team_leadership term_id=55]

[mkdf_section_title position=”” title_tag=”” disable_break_words=”no” separator=”no” text_tag=”” text_font_weight=”” title=”Meet the Advisory Board” title_hightlight_words=”3,4″ text=”Our advisory board encompasses seasoned industry and clinical innovators, focused on an outside-in approach to transforming the future of healthcare.”]

[team_leadership term_id=56]

[mkdf_section_title position=”” title_tag=”” disable_break_words=”no” separator=”no” text_tag=”” text_font_weight=”” title=”Our Partners” title_hightlight_words=”2″ text=”Assisting careNext in your healthcare success.”]
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[mkdf_section_title position=”center” title_tag=”” disable_break_words=”no” separator=”no” text_tag=”” text_font_weight=”” title=”Want to learn more?” title_hightlight_words=”3,4″ text=”Get in touch and we’ll get back to you as soon as we can.
We look forward to hearing from you!”]